Before we can we make arrangements to replace to work of an individual with new gadgetry and labor saving devices we first need to look at the job description of those we are seeking to replace.
The following info has been sourced from wikipedia, it's concise and reflects my personal knowledge from research and text books regarding domestic staff.
Valet's Job description
"In a great house, the master of the house had his own valet, and in the very grandest great houses, other adult members of the employing family (e.g. master's sons) would also have their own valets.
At a court, even minor princes and high officials may be assigned one, but in a smaller household the butler (the majordomo in charge of the household staff) might have to double as his employer's valet. In a bachelor's household the valet might perform light housekeeping duties as well.
Valets learned the skills for their role in various ways. Some began as footmen, learning some relevant skills as part of that job, and picking up others when deputising for their master's valet, or by performing valeting tasks for his sons before they had a valet of their own, or for male guests who did not travel with a valet. Others started out as soldier-servants to army officers (batmen) orstewards to naval officers.
Traditionally, a valet did much more than merely lay out clothes and take care of personal items. He was also responsible for making travel arrangements, dealing with any bills and handling all money matters concerning his master or his master's household."
Maids Job description
"The lady’s-maid’s duties are much as follows; she rises in good time, brings her mistress her early morning cup of tea, and arranges her room, prepares her bath— the housemaid bringing the cans of water, hot or cold— and lays in readiness everything which will be required for dressing, then she retires until rung for; this time she will employ in brushing and looking over the things worn yesterday. Then she has her own breakfast in the “housekeeper’s room,” and is ready to attend to her mistress directly her bell summons her, when she dresses her hair, removes her dressing-gown, and puts on her dress, doing all the finishing touches to her toilet.
She has to keep her mistress’s wardrobe in repair, mend gloves, sew buttons on boots directly she sees such work is required, and do all the dressmaking and millinery expected of her. She also washes the laces and very fine linen her mistress wears. If her mistress keep small pet dogs, it is her duty to wash them as often as she is ordered to do so, also to take them out to exercise, if the mistress does not. "
So condensed in list form to replace a ladies maid or valet you need..
1. Something to make tea for you in the morning
2. Something to wake you up in the morning
3. Something to organise your clothes for you ready for the morning
4. Something to organise your arrangements for the day.
5. Something to advise you on fashion and your outfit.
6. Someone to walk and groom your pets (no gadgetry available here to take on this responsibility- a dog is for life - and yes that includes the horrible bits. )7. Something to provide you with up to date fashion selections suited to you.